Okay check out this quote I found online:
-One study recently cited in the New York Times asked a group of previously obese people, “Would you rather be fat or blind?” A stunning 89% answered “blind.” As in – can never see again. -
Good God have mercy on our dumb asses! What an insult to blind people. What the hell?
I know that being fat is emotionally hurtful, I have stories to prove it, but for real-you'd rather be blind? This is stunning to me, it really highlights how judgemental we are as a society regarding body shapes.
I believe that women need to take a stand and quit being ruled by what others think of them. Most men think, when they look in the mirror, that they are hot. Women need to get that same mindset. We need to quit comparing ourselves to each other, yes, news flash, women are worse than men in this area, and move on to higher ground.
I have worked hard to get fit and I intend to look upon myself with the notion that I am mighty fine. You may disagree, and that's okay. I don't get my sense of self from you, or Heidi Klum or Paris Hilton.
If we don't get a handle on this issue what could be next-foot binding?
12 years ago