Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dear Stem, we hardly knew ye.

Today we honor all those brave young souls who died alone, in the bottom of a red biohazard bag, incinerated at the end of the month with legions of soiled utility towels and latex gloves. We honor their sacrifice, their bravery in the fight for the opportunity to become one single precious life whose sole purpose is to grow in the womb of a fertile, waiting, hopeful mother. So intent on bearing a child is she, that in the absence of God's actions, she takes it on herself to extract her own eggs and place them in the hands of a scientist. This medical shaman then impregnates that egg with spilled sperm from the potential mother's husband, whom she deeply loves and is committed to in the holy state of matrimony. After approximately three thousand dollars, a fertilized embryo may occur and we call this occurance "life". Make no mistake, these fertilized embryo's are not just some random tissue, replicating willy nilly in a dark, lonely laboratory. These embryo's are actual tiny children, with all the exact same cells and hallmarks as you or I, except that it can fit in a tiny petri dish. These children then are replicated in multiples, as it takes many attempts to finally get a firm implantation in the mother's hormonally enhanced uterus. Yes, God doesn't see fit to give her the proper hormones, so she seeks wisdom from her physician who pumps her full of chemicals in order to better her chances of having one of these multiple children decide to stay for a while.

What then remains of all the mulitples that have no purpose once the mother has finally reached her goal and becomes pregnant? These embryos are not some science experiment that can be discarded as so much trash, these cell groupings are living souls with the imprint of God himself.

If we truly believe this, then each and every embryo that is not implanted into the mother ought to have a proper funeral and a Christian burial. A respectful graveside service is the least that should be offered for these poor souls that have died, waiting for the mother who, in her hurry to run ahead and play God, has changed the rules once she has recieved the coveted prize, and then lo and behold-these embryos are now expendable. She goes home, flush with the knowledge that she is with child, and leaves the rest of the messy decisions about the disposal of the potential cell groupings to the doctors. Isn't that tidy?

What if, in the absence of finding a uterus to have them, these same embryos could find a home not in a uterus, but perhaps in the body of a seven year old boy with osteosarcoma? What kind of higher calling would that lend to an embryo who is otherwise slated for the trash bin? Would not a soul, with all the potential to become a human being, not then be offered the opportunity to become part of the healing of another young soul? This sacred symetry would be so life-giving that each embryo would know it has reached it's full potential in it's tiny lifespan.

John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends."

I challenge anyone who is against the use of stem cells for the healing of another human soul to sit in the hospital room with a child with cancer. Not for an hour, or a day. Sit there day in and day out for a month. Watch that child being poked and prodded, bloated from steroids, bald from the medications and fighting to stay alive.

We have the opportunity to take what has already been created for other reasons, and grant life to an innocent victim of childhood illness. Shame on those who will not share the bounty of their fertile richness to save a dying child. Playing God is fine when you hit the jackpot yourself, owning up to the fact that you've denied that same life to others may be a bit harder to answer for when the roll is called up yonder.

Monday, October 20, 2008

We deserve better

I saw this ad posted on the Drudge Report today, and it immediately made me feel both sad and angry. Sad because this is the state of politics in the McCain campaign, and angry because there are many Americans who don't have the ability to process complex information and will derive their opinion of Barack Obama through these types of smear ads.

This ad shows that there is no depths too deep for Mr. McCain to go. Karl Rove must be so proud. Our country is so thirsty right now for a positive voice, so anxious about our financial crisis and downright eager to have someone lead with a steady hand, and this is all the McCain/Palin group can muster? It's disgraceful and nauseating to me that McCain can stand up with that big grin on his face, calling us all his 'friends" and then blatantly lie to us about the facts. It reminds me of the ice skater Nancy Kerrigan and the incident that occured in 1994. Ms. Kerrigan was ahead in competition and Tonya Harding saw her chances of a win waning. Because she couldn't win on her own merit, she had her husband club Nancy Kerrigan in the knee, causing a serious injury.

Barack Obama has been a tough competitor but he has never questioned John McCain's patriotism, and has never put John McCain's life in danger with rhetoric. The McCain/Palin team seems to have no shame in ramping up their crowds with hate and misinformation. If anything were to happen to Barack Obama from here till the election, hundreds of thousands of American citizens will hold John McCain personally responsible.

I hope with all my heart that on election day American's will choose the candidate who has the dignity and compassion to lead us in the coming four years. My choice will be Barack Obama.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Just an observation

Okay, I was listening to Governor Palin recently and her rabid list of frightening reasons we should be very afraid of Barack Obama. I'm sorry, but it seems so obvious to me that Sarah Palin is a vampire and electing her will insure that our country will all be in jeopardy of being attacked by this blood sucking beast. She is scary and besides, don't you see her doing that DOUBLE terrorist fist jab? See for yourself.

Shucks ya'll, I'm just sayin.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The reviews are in . . . .

Last night we saw the vice presidential contenders up close and personal-or did we? No, last night we were entertained by a series of monologues performed by Sarah Palin in what can only be reviewed as the "moose in the headlights" matinee.

Oh yes, the hair was pinned up and the lipstick was on, her high heels were cute and she winked at us along the way. Frequently looking to her notes she delivered her lines with the tenacity of a true thespian. (and by the way, she did choose to be a thespian!) She was all "shucks" and "gosh" giving shout outs to her homies who are, you know, all hockey moms and Joe six packs.

I give her credit, that was a lot of material to memorize and she did a gosh darn good job of it. But my friends (hee hee) we need more from a person who may end up leading our country than the ability to barf up the ingested talking points. We need intelligence, we need a person who isn't just reading the Cliff's notes in order to make intelligent small talk at a Washington dinner party.

Joe Biden, God bless him, did not bring the bloviator to the stage last night. He was thoughtful and sharp, he was intelligent and steady. Joe Biden could step into the highest office of this country in a heartbeat.

People want to say that no election is ever decided by the vice presidential pick, but come on people, just look at John McCain. He's stepping on a banana peel already. Do you really want someone to be president who is giving shout outs?

No way, no how, no McCain/Palin.