Bernard Madoff was arrested this week for ripping off untold numbers of investors in the amount of 50 billion dollars.
Wait now, let me repeat this: 50 BILLION dollars.
If a twenty year old with a drug habit and a hankerin for heroin holds up a liquor store for 50 bucks his ass lands in jail that VERY NIGHT. There is usually no one to pay his bond and he is not likely to have a well dressed attorney to reduce his bail terms. He gets no special treatment and can go to jail in a heartbeat.
So, if you are a white collared rich dude with an expensive attorney here is what you get for STEALING 50 BILLION dollars:
"Out on bail with a curfew, defendant must be remanded to his home between 7pm and 9 am. Passport is surrendered and defendant must wear anklet device".
Oh, wow, what a statement of the seriousness of the crime huh? What kind of a legal system do we have when someone can rob people, albeit rich people, of so much money and get some little lightweight slap on the hand?
I'm appalled, I'm just completely agog. It almost makes one want to go to law school just to level the playing field.
Okay now, I said almost.
But for real, 50 billion?