Okay, most people who know me would say that I lean pretty far to the left. I don't apologize for that, I love being a liberal, it's a compliment. I believe that liberals are peace loving, responsible, accepting, hard working, fair minded patriots who love their country.
But here's the thing. Even though I'm thrilled that the Democrats are in charge now, I do not believe that one particular party should be able to gain Filibuster-proof control. I find that almost frightening. If the shoe were on the other foot I would be truly fearful. With that said, here we are today with Arlen Specter waltzing on over from the Republican Party to join the Dems. If only it were for the right reasons . . . but that doesn't even matter. What matters is that if Norm Coleman goes down, and Al Franken is sworn in, the Democrats will be able to drive through virtually anything without opposition.
I don't believe that our founding Fathers wanted this. A truly democratic nation is one that wants its leaders to debate, discuss and develop a plan. Not just who ever is the biggest guy gets his way.
I can see that this presents a challenge to the Democrats in Congress to use this power wisely, and not become dictators. The American people are watching and we will not be forgiving of those that abuse their privilege.
It makes me sad that there is such a polarization of the parties. I wish a strong Independent leader would emerge, then many of us might find ourselves at home. I am sick of the Limbaugh's and Hannity's sticking their feet out in the aisle like school boys, trying to trip President Obama at every turn. I'm also tired of the rhetoric spouting from Oberman, who has become a caricature of himself foaming at the mouth on past grievances.
Aren't there any reasonable, fair minded politicians who want to reach across the aisle? Can't the radio big wigs come down off the pedestals and try to forge some peace in this country for the sake of our future?
I guess it starts with us. I will be emailing my representatives today and letting them know that I expect leadership that is inclusive of others who do not agree with them. I expect Republicans to be included in decision making through vigorous debate and reasonable round table discussions.
I hope that our president will lead with less arrogance than Mr. Bush did. No one person, or one party should be "the decider".
As for the Republicans today, it's their party they can cry if they want to. You would cry too if it happened to you.
But here's the thing. Even though I'm thrilled that the Democrats are in charge now, I do not believe that one particular party should be able to gain Filibuster-proof control. I find that almost frightening. If the shoe were on the other foot I would be truly fearful. With that said, here we are today with Arlen Specter waltzing on over from the Republican Party to join the Dems. If only it were for the right reasons . . . but that doesn't even matter. What matters is that if Norm Coleman goes down, and Al Franken is sworn in, the Democrats will be able to drive through virtually anything without opposition.
I don't believe that our founding Fathers wanted this. A truly democratic nation is one that wants its leaders to debate, discuss and develop a plan. Not just who ever is the biggest guy gets his way.
I can see that this presents a challenge to the Democrats in Congress to use this power wisely, and not become dictators. The American people are watching and we will not be forgiving of those that abuse their privilege.
It makes me sad that there is such a polarization of the parties. I wish a strong Independent leader would emerge, then many of us might find ourselves at home. I am sick of the Limbaugh's and Hannity's sticking their feet out in the aisle like school boys, trying to trip President Obama at every turn. I'm also tired of the rhetoric spouting from Oberman, who has become a caricature of himself foaming at the mouth on past grievances.
Aren't there any reasonable, fair minded politicians who want to reach across the aisle? Can't the radio big wigs come down off the pedestals and try to forge some peace in this country for the sake of our future?
I guess it starts with us. I will be emailing my representatives today and letting them know that I expect leadership that is inclusive of others who do not agree with them. I expect Republicans to be included in decision making through vigorous debate and reasonable round table discussions.
I hope that our president will lead with less arrogance than Mr. Bush did. No one person, or one party should be "the decider".
As for the Republicans today, it's their party they can cry if they want to. You would cry too if it happened to you.