A dear friend lost her son today to a freak accident. He is now brain dead, but his body lies in state, awaiting his final act which will leave a legacy of true love. This young man, just 36 years old, had previously indicated that he would like to be an organ donor, should the need ever arise. Unfortunately it did. Today after several tests were performed, his parents were informed that there was no perfusion to the brain and he was declared dead at 4:50 pm. This pivotal event began a timeclock and now the search is on for recipients for these precious life giving organs. Somewhere there is a mother who has been praying for an organ to become available for her child. Her prayers will be answered. One leaves in order to allow another to stay. This perfect chaos appears random, but I think otherwise. Though we cannot make sense of a life cut short, we can marvel at this show of heroism, the selfless act of one to another, the gift of life itself.
Standing at Paul's bedside today I placed my hand on his heart and I thanked him for his gift. I whispered to him that we honor his suffering and applaud his generosity. His decision will set into motion so many things. Someone who gets his heart may now have the opportunity to fall in love. A blind person may now see the sunset for the first time. A tired and weary man who has been on dialysis for years may now know robust health. There will be sorrow, and there will be rejoicing.
We cannot give Paul another 36 years to live and love and realize all of his life dreams. But how many of us can say that we have saved the lives of 6-8 people? His life is gone, and in it's place a million tiny cells burst into being and declare to the Universe itself: Hope is alive!
Pauls loving act will wipe away tears, bring happiness and hope, and leave a legacy of a man who, though he may not have ever known it, became an example to us all.
Bravo Paul. May the angels welcome you to paradise, may the martyrs greet you on your way, may you see the face of the Lord this day, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Standing at Paul's bedside today I placed my hand on his heart and I thanked him for his gift. I whispered to him that we honor his suffering and applaud his generosity. His decision will set into motion so many things. Someone who gets his heart may now have the opportunity to fall in love. A blind person may now see the sunset for the first time. A tired and weary man who has been on dialysis for years may now know robust health. There will be sorrow, and there will be rejoicing.
We cannot give Paul another 36 years to live and love and realize all of his life dreams. But how many of us can say that we have saved the lives of 6-8 people? His life is gone, and in it's place a million tiny cells burst into being and declare to the Universe itself: Hope is alive!
Pauls loving act will wipe away tears, bring happiness and hope, and leave a legacy of a man who, though he may not have ever known it, became an example to us all.
Bravo Paul. May the angels welcome you to paradise, may the martyrs greet you on your way, may you see the face of the Lord this day, Alleluia, Alleluia.