Friday, October 3, 2008

The reviews are in . . . .

Last night we saw the vice presidential contenders up close and personal-or did we? No, last night we were entertained by a series of monologues performed by Sarah Palin in what can only be reviewed as the "moose in the headlights" matinee.

Oh yes, the hair was pinned up and the lipstick was on, her high heels were cute and she winked at us along the way. Frequently looking to her notes she delivered her lines with the tenacity of a true thespian. (and by the way, she did choose to be a thespian!) She was all "shucks" and "gosh" giving shout outs to her homies who are, you know, all hockey moms and Joe six packs.

I give her credit, that was a lot of material to memorize and she did a gosh darn good job of it. But my friends (hee hee) we need more from a person who may end up leading our country than the ability to barf up the ingested talking points. We need intelligence, we need a person who isn't just reading the Cliff's notes in order to make intelligent small talk at a Washington dinner party.

Joe Biden, God bless him, did not bring the bloviator to the stage last night. He was thoughtful and sharp, he was intelligent and steady. Joe Biden could step into the highest office of this country in a heartbeat.

People want to say that no election is ever decided by the vice presidential pick, but come on people, just look at John McCain. He's stepping on a banana peel already. Do you really want someone to be president who is giving shout outs?

No way, no how, no McCain/Palin.

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