Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hillary and Addicus Finch

Okay, does anyone else see the similarity between Hillary Clinton and her erratic behavior and the rabid dog in "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
It's an old dog, that never hurt anyone. (that's quite debatable with the Clintons, but I digress) and all it wants to do is be loved, adored and kept around the big kids table for as long as possible. It fancies itself quite the bulldog and wants to sleep in the big house and be allowed the run of the yard.
Now, while the food was plentiful and the race was going neck and neck, Hillary was a faithful soul, all wags, few bites. But as Obama has taken the lead it appears that Senator Clinton has taken on an almost rabid persona, vowing to win at all costs and numbers be damned! She's running up a tab that she won't be able to pay and she leaves a trail of helpless vendors in her wake who are now left holding the bag.
She's staggering, she's lookin shaggy, she's got that wild eyed look of a feral and dangerous creature that is no longer able to be trusted.
Who's going to be the Addicus Finch that will get the big ole shot gun known as REALITY ( and HOLD YOUR HORSES MORONS, I don't mean a REAL gun) and take her down?
Howard Dean, for the love of God man, get this woman in a closed setting and put the muzzle on, and while you're at it grab Bill. They are dangerous to the party and they've bitten enough people now to make them a down right liability to the Democratic Party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister!!