Sunday, May 4, 2008

Maybe I can

Today I took a risk and it paid off. I joined the Playmakers runners club a month or so ago. I didn't mean to, I thought I was paying for the 5-K in Lansing, but anyway, I actually signed up to join the runners club, which is ironic as I am a walker, not a runner, and aren't you enjoying this run-on sentence?
So, I thought maybe if there were a walker amongst them I would be enticed to go try to train with them on Saturday mornings. I emailed the race team leader and asked "Will I be the only 53 year old there?" She assured me that there were walkers as well as runners, from all walks of life.
I tried on several tee shirts before leaving for the park. I decided not to wear the Playmakers Team shirt I got when I registered as I thought I would look like I was trying too hard. Then I tried on several more shirts that were too baggy or stained. Finally, the hell with it, I threw one on and left. I felt very nervous at first, then I just thought, "Who cares? I'm not trying to compete with anyone, I just want to work out with others who want to do the same!"
They were very friendly and there happened to be a woman my age just heading off on the trail. Her name was Olga and she graciously let me tag along. She told me that she was training for a half marathon in October. "Wow!" I said to her, thinking I could NEVER do that. But you know what? All I've been thinking of all day is "I wish I could do a half marathon. "
I think I will try. That's it. I just think I will try. It would be an astounding accomplishment for me to be able to do it, and having that as a goal will be good for me. Already today the three miles seemed like nothing, so I know that I will be able to build up to 4.5 soon.
I took a risk and found others who are also, like me, trying to stay healthy and fit. It's a nice club to belong to, not the Playmakers Club, but the "I want to stick around on this planet for a long while more" club. I want to maintain my membership.
In the tortoise and hare race I have always been the tortoise, but I usually do cross the finish line.
I encourage anyone reading this to take a risk and try something new. Only good things will come of it.

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