Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Bucket List

Okay so you've seen the movie, you know the drill. For me, it's been hard to even allow myself to even think of having a bucket list, as my life was pretty much about survival for a number of years. But in the last few years life has become easier, and I am able to dream about what I want the second half of my life to look like. I need to come up with more things, but one of them, learning to sail, is in the process. I had my second lesson today on the water, and I was amazed at how much easier it seemed. It was more familiar, and I wasn't as intimidated. Could it be that life is this way too? That as we approach obstacles, if we just push off headlong with sails up, we will find our way? As we tacked back and forth across the lake I saw more clearly that with sailing, you can never just get to your destination directly, but instead you are constantly criss crossing the water in order to make best use of the wind. I want to live with sails up. I want to remember when life seems tough, that the tacking back and forth is the way it's always been and I want to enjoy the scenery along the way as I go. I am trying to get the list together, and I would love to hear other's lists as well. I will share a couple of my items still left to do:

Kayak off Catlina Island with the migrating whales in February

Write a book

Become debt free

Reach my goal weight ( don't ask!) and maintain a healthy fitness level

Take a photography class

This week I will remind myself to live each day with sails up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the photo! Here are a few items from my bucket list:

-hang out in a metal cage with a bucket of chum in great white-infested waters

-master three languages other than English

-visit all seven continents (two down!)