Wednesday, August 27, 2008

To Her With Love

Please enjoy watching me eat this slice of humble pie as I wholeheartedly applaud Senator Hillary Clinton's performance at the Convention last night. I was absolutely wowed and actually almost in tears as I heard her verbalize what all of us were hoping to hear. I give her major props for going above the call of duty on this speech. She could have grandstanded and made the speech about her, instead she lead the charge toward a better world. She is a true Democrat and I now have more respect for her than ever. If only everyone would put the petty bickering aside now and get our full energy around electing our nominee, we could win this. We MUST win this election or I fear that our country will be ground down to dust by the likes of McCain and his ilk. Thank you Senator Clinton for giving the most gracious speech I've ever heard. Your dignified presence last night is the true clarion call to anyone who hopes for a better future for our children and grand children. Excuse me now while I eat my pie . . .

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