Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Anyone my age has heard the song "Big Rock Candy Mountain", even if you don't admit it. One of the lines of the song goes: "In big rock candy mountain, the cops have wooden legs. The bulldogs all have rubber teeth and the hens lay soft boiled eggs." Okay, this is a long boring way of leading me to my pet peeve (pun noted) with regards to the Clinton attack dog: aka-James Carville. I've always liked Mr. Carville, especially when he goes head to head with his wife on Sunday morning talk shows. He's all "Gosh and golly", but he knows his history and does not hold back with his opinons. Last night the Clintons' let the attack dog out of his cage and sent him on the dais to discuss the Convention with the likes of CNN. He was a bulldog with rubber teeth. He growled about the fact that the Convention was boring, he chastised Obama for not doing enough to make ammends with the Clintons and he practically blew a kiss to John McCain. I don't think James Carville will be happy until Barack Obama puts a towel over his arm and offers mint julips to the Clinton's on a silver tray. But guess what? It's a new day James. Your rubber teeth aren't leaving much of a mark anymore. Your whining and water carrying for the Clintons may bring you some brownie points with them, but it leaves us all feeling a bit sorry for you. Wake up dude, there's a new guy in town and he's the guy on the ticket, not Hillary. It only serves to divide the party and foment bitterness when you continue to grouse about what you lost. It's over man, get-over-it. Bare your teeth in the right direction-at the Right. We need you on our side Mr. Carville, but you can't have it both ways. Either step up to serve the Democratic Party with the nominee-Barack Obama, or go over to the dark side and stand watch as our country sinks further and further into the black hole that the Bush administration has created. James-Stay! Good boy!

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