Tuesday, March 4, 2008

To Maslow with love

Twice today at work in two separate conversations I was reminded of the fact that someone does not approve of me. The details of these comments are really not worth highlighting. What facinates me is my reaction to them. I ate more than I should have today, and I think there is a correlation.
I want to be at that really nice level of Maslow's self actualization chart where I feel completely at peace, all my needs are met and I don't require the approval of others. Until that happens, I need to figure out why I give two shits if people don't always like me. Alas, I am the type that ruminates over this stuff, pondering what mistakes I have made, how I could have done better, what flaws I have that need improvement. I talk a good confident game on game day, but inside I am a paper tiger.
I think a lot of people who are overweight have an overweening need for approval from others. I hate it. The need to please is deeply rooted in family structures I think. Perhaps even what sign you were born under. Bla Bla Bla, the bottom line is this: Can I learn to value myself enough, and know deep down to my core, that I am worthy no matter what anyone else says about me? I think I can. I think I want to.
One time I had a patient ask me "Why are all nurses fat? You're fat, the nurse that was on this morning was fat and all the nurses are fat!" I think the real reason is that many nurses go into the healthcare field out of some inner desire to be caretakers, when we really should be learning to take care of ourselves.
By the way, I told my patient that being fat was a requirement to work on that medical unit at the hospital. He bought it!
I'm declaring a moratoreum on ass kissing. I'm owning my wonderfulness and in the face of critisism I will own what I should, and nothing more. I will nip the ruminating in the bud and instead remind myself of all of the many good qualities I have.
I like the Woody Guthrie quote: Take it easy, but take it!

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