Now more than ever our country must take off the blinders and take a good hard look at things as they are, not as we wish them to be.
Today John McCain called for a suspension of both presidential campaigns in order to address the financial crisis. For the past week Senator McCain has been red faced and brutal in his attacks against the Wall Street perps who done us wrong. But wait, could all this fist pounding and histrionic rhetoric be a smoke screen for the truth: that John McCain IS one of those he is railing against?
Yes, my friends, Senator McCain has been at the helm of this big oversized Titanic for 26 years pointing it in the direction he wanted it to go, in order to make ridiculous sums of money for his fat cat friends in Wall Street. Now that it's hit the ice berg he's running down to the life rafts with the women and children, all the while berating the horrible brutes that were steering this lumbering mess.
John McCain is a wolf in sheeps clothing and the American public had better get their beer goggles off and take a good long look. He's the guy that mentions that he was a P.O.W. after every question, yet he sponsored legislation making water boarding and other torture techniques legal. He proposed legislation supporting de-regulation, and now he claims to be such a Maverick that he's angry at those who are in support of it.
He's a hot head, not a Maverick. He's a coward hiding behind the latest polls, not a hero. His latest stunt of postponing the debates I believe, is his desperate attempt to slow down the momentum of the Obama campaign and he will do any cheap stunt to make it happen.
McCain at one time seemed to be an individual, now he appears to be a right wing puppet who will do or say anything, true or not, in order to win the prize.
There is everything we are as a nation at stake in the election and I do not want a leader who is ill tempered and reactionary. Barack Obama leads with a calm, methodical approach, and isn't that what we need in anxious times like this?
This country is hungry for the kind of leadership we can be proud of again and it sure as hell isn't going to come from the right. As Democrats we are finally finding our voice and taking back our place at the table.
Oh yes we can, hell yes we can!