Thursday, September 11, 2008


Man, this is so funny I wish I had thought of it. There is a new term newly coined and it fits once you hear the explanation. The term: Slacktivists. Let me break it on down for you.

Slacktivists are people who are PASSIONATE about things going on in the world, they are frightened about the state of the economy, about the fate of the planet or the migration of the whales. They post blogs furiously opposing drilling, or fur wearing, or anyone who doesn't recycle every scrap of anything in their domain. They post blogs about it and discuss various hot new topics on Facebook or MySpace. Hot topics! High energy! Wordy diatribes!

But you know what? It's all words, no action! Hence: Slacktivists.

I just love it. So everyone who bitches about the current administration, but does absolutely NOTHING except talk about it and write about it, are slackers in activists clothing.

Real activists get out and DO things. They help register voters, make calls to legislators, volunteer in the community and most of all they VOTE.

I'm throwing down a challenge. If you really believe in change, are you doing anything to help bring it about, other than talk about it?

I'm just asking . . .


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What about reactivists - people who don't do anything to affect change before it's too late, but get all huffy and annoyed when they don't like the way things turn out? Cracktivists and smacktivists have a lot in common - both passionate about getting their fix. Hacktivists try to bring about change via internet subterfuge. Quacktivists - people for the ethical treatment of ducks. I myself am something of a snacktivist - I get up in arms and find myself compelled to take action when I'm faced with an empty fridge and a mean case of the munchies.