Thursday, September 18, 2008


This week I am celebrating my birthday; and with this comes reflection. There are things that with time, become more clear, and other things grow hazy around the edges.

This I know for sure:

Love really is all there is

Nothing is random

We create our world minute by minute

Also, shit happens

Then we still try to create our world, with the shit that just happened

Life is a series of proposals which we accept or turn down

Every single transaction in our day is an opportunity to learn

All beings are our teachers

Chocolate pudding is a healing substance for many of life's challenges

Prayer, chanting, singing, wishing, feeling, humming, art, and poetry all bring life into a higher vibration and it's good

Giving brings you an expanded heart

Children are like a fine wine, grandchildren like aged port

It's harder to take risks as we get older

It's exhilarating to be free of the expectations of youth

I'm less sure of many beliefs that I once held true, but more sure of who I am

I am not certain that I will ever know the sole purpose of why I am here, I'm not sure I even need to know. I do know that as I grow older I am more tender at the bone. That hard outer shell of youthful bravado has long been shed in the molting season and I see life with sharper focus now. Life, with all of it's heartache and brilliance is only sweet when shared. I am grateful to have so many in my life to share it with.

This blog entry is a big thank you to those in my life who teach me, love me, help me see, help me play. I hope to grow older with more of a sense of abandon, to stretch and grow and not be held back by fear or worse, by apathy or entropy. There are too many adventures still calling to just slow down.

Giddyup, carry on!

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