Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Didn't the kettle send the memo to the pot?

Isn't it rich that Karl Rove is complaining about the Dems as they uncover more details about Sarah Palens life? Karl freaking Rove is calling somebody out on gossip and mud slinging? That is just straight up HILARIOUS!

There is a new term in the accepted American lexicon and it's called Rovian tactics. Yes, as in Karl Rove. It means to be dirty handed, covert, ruthless, heartless and did I say dirty? Karl Rove and his minions have savagely torn apart any and every person who they felt was ever a threat to their party. If you have any doubt, please go back and review the hearings regarding Valerie Plame Wilson. Her husband dared to disagree with the Bush White House and the hounds of hell were unleashed via Karl Rove.

Whether or not it's right or ethical to be dissecting Sarah Palen's family life is beside the point. The point is, Karl Rove made up the rules to this ruthless game of politics, and now he's in the referee's face trying to call a foul.

Karl, the Jerk Store called and they're all out of you!

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