Okay so tonight the academy awards will be on and I will be lapping at the pool of celebrity holy water like every other movie geek. But it made me think about awards in general..... and I think there should be way more of them. Today I am giving myself an award for giving a baby shower that included preparing a meal and serving it, along with a delicious strawberry filled layer cake, and I had only vegetables. The reporters should all be gathered outside my house right now, waiting for the opportunity to ask me questions like: "How did you do it? How did you pass up the potato salad, party mints, silver dollar sandwiches, and most of all, that fabulous cake?" I would try to share my "method" if you will, it's easy really. I drank about nine glasses of water or diet soda. My bladder was distended and my tongue was singed from the caffeine, but HEY, I did it! Or how about an award for just moving my ass today? Yes folks, I marched in place while watching Tim Russert (a secret crush) disect the week in news with his fellow pundits. I didn't even slow down for commercials. Such committment! Such dedication to form!
You get my drift? We need a piece of this Oscar action. We need to congratulate ourselves at every turn because no one else will! This whole weight loss thing is hard, really hard. It's an hour to hour struggle some days and today, so far, I am winning.
Someone commented on my weight loss (fifty pounds so far) and asked if it was hard. HELL YES! is what I said. Anyone who can lose fifty pounds easily either has a parasitic infection, or a terminal illness, but this was one forkful at a time. It's been hundreds of "Step away from the vehicle" to myself while standing at the refridgerator. It's been going to bed early, hungrey. It's been negotiating with myself one meal at a time.
I like Barak Obama's inspiring slogan "Yes we can!" but I like it a little more like this:
Ask yourself what awards you should be getting, I know there are some. Tell me what yours are!
12 years ago
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