When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Helen Keller
Today I was standing in the lobby of a professional building with a client and his three year old daughter. She was very busy opening and closing doors and I tried not to interfere but was anxiously watching her as she continued to open and close very heavy doors. As we were talking we heard a yelp and when we looked she was hunched over holding her fingers and sobbing. Her father picked her up and instead of comforting her, barked "What did I tell you? I said if you keep opening that door one of these times it's going to bite you, and it did didn't it?"
Now don't even get me started about the way he handled this incident, you don't want to hear the rant, trust me. (nothing was fractured so I didn't have to go ape shit crazy on the guy).
But the idea stuck with me today, that we often keep opening doors in our lives that are shut. We open them again, certain that this time there will be something new and different, and it never is. Doors shut for a reason. Things change, relationships change, people change. Perhaps it is time to look at my life and see what's biting me, and why I continue to open these same doors.
How does this relate to weight loss? I think it relates to finding comfort, and peace, contentment in our lives. It means surrounding yourself with people who affirm you, support you and will be a soft place to fall when life gets wobbly. It means finding meaningful work that doesn't drain your soul. It means being God to yourself in the deepest possible way.
I know this isn't a snarky, pithy or humor-filled post today. I guess I am feeling reflective. I want to have less stress in my life, and more fun. I want more peace and less conflict. I want to love myself enough to embrace my imperfections and still look in the mirror every day and see a miracle.
I want to be more aware of doors that I stand outside pounding on, that perhaps, are never meant to open. I want to accept that, and keep moving on with confidence that every single step is the right one, and the doors will open when they are meant to.
What doors are you opening? Pounding on? What's biting you?
12 years ago
1 comment:
I had a counselor say to me often: "Why go to a dry well when you are thirsty?". I think this post of yours reminds me of that question. It is so easy to go back to old ways and strategies because they are familiar. It is comforting to seek refuge in those places, regardless of what you'll get.
"We can't become what we need by remaining what we are". Max Dupree
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