Saturday, February 23, 2008

Writing down the fat

Hello fellow travelers. I am writing in an effort to get to the core of my eating issues. After twelve years of therapy I was still fat and had few insights about it. Now I am undergoing weight loss with success, but I'm still terrified of gaining it back. Is it all about hidden feelings or could it be behavioral changes that need to be attended to for life? I do think that feelings drive our actions, but I will not be relegated to the status of slave to my unconscious thoughts. I do think food is some sort of compulsion for me, and I can identify feelings that I still need to work on. But these issues can be named and then what? Big deal. Name them, dress them up, give them their due. I still think about food like men think about porn. That is the truth. I fantisize about food. Maybe if I had more sex I wouldn't think about food so much huh? Hard to have sex when you are fat and can't get a frickin date!!!!! My life is changing along with my body. I am reclaiming my own body as it was, and I am adjusting. Each day is a challenge to stake my ground and go higher, reaching to the summit which is my goal weight. When I get there I will stake out a new summit which will be about fitness. I need some fellow travelers, are you with me?


change said...

I'm on this journey with you. I'm hoping ot not be a slave to food but rather be able to eat and feel satisfied and then enjoy life.

Therese Dawe said...

Dear Change,

Welcome aboard! I think creating a new relationship with food is possible. It may be a wild animal that we learn to tame, but we never turn our backs on, but we can do it!